Indian Ice
Artist Statement: My artwork—visual, written—reflects my Indigenous heritage. My poetry on “Portrait of Warpaint” describes this artwork which shows the façade of appearance in victims of domestic violence, although they engage in warfare habitually, i.e., mascara makeup and well-groomed face to project all-put-together, long sleeves to cover wounds, neatly combed hair and erect posture signalling all is well, folded hands to show conformity. The façade is so convincing, the viewer may never know this drawing is about DV without the typed poem. My poetry on “Grandmother” describes this artwork that contrasts the frailty of grandmother with the barrowed raincoat from the grandchild, a raincoat that protects her from the elements. The absence of part of the raincoat carries the connotation of the diminishing capacity of the aging grandmother, signalling that her grandchildren need to be alert to her needs. My poetry on “gods of nature” describes this artwork demonstrating the lasting beauty of ancestral moon. It reminds us that we all have ancestors who lived under the same beautiful moon we live under and venerate today. This artwork was created by the author.