Letter from the Editor

The Soul In Space started off as a want for space that looked like my community. Something I wish I had access to. So I decided to try to build it. After that it was figuring out HOW to support and highlight us…to get us to show off our talents and stories, authentically. That is where this mag came into play.

Issue 001 focuses on truths, our individual and collective truths. Our authentic journeys of how we became who we are and where we are going. I truly thank every single creator that submitted and thought about submitting their work - the truth isn’t always easy to show ourselves, let alone the internet. I know this, as this current chapter of my life is nothing but truth bombs, with side quests of conquering shame. Know that I do not take this trust you’ve given me lightly, this responsibility to show your truths in a way that makes you happy. And to those that didn’t click the submit button, I hope you see this digital space and see this team and consider sharing your work with us soon.

I write this letter moments before I alert everyone of their work being published, because I couldn’t think of anything intentionally impressive or inspiring to say. Just that I thank each member of my community that supports this project by either working with me, investing in me, supporting me, sharing this and more. I appreciate it greatly. Now to let this project speak for itself.

Sen Kathleen