Last Words of an Autumn Leaf

The fallen Autumn leaf

Was on his last days

Supine and sighing .

‘ It’s painful to be forgotten,

But I love this, even it’s bed ridden.

Up there among them,

I was left out, to become forgotten ‘.

The tree smiled and just dropped

Another one to the credit of Autumn.



Ranjith Sivaraman is an upcoming Poet from Kerala, a beautiful state in India. His poems merge nature imagery, human emotions, and human psychology into a gorgeous tapestry of philosophy.

Sivaraman’s English Poems are published in International Literature Magazines and Journals., like Deep Over Stock Magazine,3 Moon Magazine, Adelaide Literary Review, Elevation Review, Havik, Parliamentary Literary Magazine, Poetry Wivenhoe, QT, Remington Review, Sandpiper, Silver Birch Press, Terror House Press, The Raven Review, The Writer’s Club, Wordcity Lit, and Writer’s and Reader’s Magazine, etc.

Please visit   for more of his works.