Authorities drop hate crime investigation

spray lighter fluid on— face, pretending all
this melanin ain't a gift— crispy, burnt, steaming
Keratosis pilaris like a Popeyes chicken sandwich

all skinfolk ain't kinfolk— Loving, one drop-rule 
Girl on FireMark & Patricia pointing firearms  
Paradise is novel hate 

Say less, PaylessUnion's assault, don't talk
equity, radical feminism — then snatch my wig 
waterboarding me by church and state

Say my name— Al-thee-a Burn-stahyn
Sorry can't find— stolen pigmentation like a Unforgotten 51 
hiding in plain sight like a Strange Fruit’s blood on the leaves      

Say Black is beautiful— Ho-chunk land, say Jay-jope
I must accept my crown — vaseline what's left of beautifully bi-racial skin
safeguarding my largest organ like a satin bonnet covering coarse hair

Charles Payne

I’m a performance poet, essayist, and first-time playwright.  

Stevenique Curry

I’m a digital freelance artist.